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Head of the department
Photo Name Office Phone E-mail
Dr. habil. László Hegedűs; PhD
head of department
associate professor
F. I. 2nd floor 204. +36 1 463 1261 Contact person by email
Management of the department
Photo Name Office Phone E-mail
Dr. Gábor Hornyánszky; PhD
deputy head of department, associate professor
K. 1. emelet 22. (Dean's Office), CH. 2. emelet 216. (teacher room) +36 1 463 1285
+36 1 463 3509
Contact person by email
Active teachers and researchers
Photo Name Office Phone E-mail
Dr. Erika Bálint; PhD
Associate Professor
F I. 2. floor 1. +36 1 463 1111/5886 Contact person by email
Dr. István Csontos; PhD
associate professor
F. II. Ground floor 23. +36 1 463 1055 Contact person by email
Dr. Pál Csuka; PhD
assistant professor
Ch building 2. floor 218. +36 1 463 1129 Contact person by email
Kata Enikő Decsov; PhD
Research Assistant
F. II. 20. +36 20 468 3646 Contact person by email
Dr. Attila Farkas; PhD
Research Fellow
F II. magasföldszint 21. +36 1 463 1111/5918 Contact person by email
Dr. Dorián László Galata; PhD
research fellow
Ch épület alagsor, Pharmatech Modell Laboratórium +36 1 463 5881 Contact person by email
Dr. György Keglevich; DSc
F. II. ground floor 3. +36 1 463 1111/5883 Contact person by email
Dr. Péter Keglevich; PhD
assistant professor
Ch building, 2nd floor, 202-203. +36 1 463 2208 Contact person by email
Dr. József Kupai; PhD
senior lecturer
Ch building, 1st floor, 130. +36 1 463 2229 Contact person by email
Dr. György Marosi; DSc
F. II. ground floor 17. +36 1 463 3654 Contact person by email
Dr. Mercédesz Mészárosné Tőrincsi; PhD
senior lecturer
Ch 1. floor 127. +36 1 463 2229 Contact person by email
Dr. Ildikó Móczár; PhD
research fellow
Ch building, 1st floor 169. +36 1 463 2111 Contact person by email
Brigitta Nagy; PhD
research fellow
F. II. magasföldszint 14. +36 1 463 1424 Contact person by email
Dr. Hajnalka Pataki; PhD
Postdoctoral research fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
F. II. 16 +36 1 463 2253
Nóra Popovics-Tóth; PhD
research fellow
F ép. I. lh. 2. emelet 1. +36 1 463 5886
Prof. László Poppe; PhD, DSc
Head of Bioorganic Chemistry Group
Professor of Organic Chemistry
Ch. 2; 215 +36 1 463 3299 Contact person by email
Dr. Edina Szabó; PhD
research fellow
F. II. ground floor 017 +36 1 463 3654 Contact person by email
Dr. Beáta Szolnoki; PhD
research fellow
F I. 2nd floor +36 1 463 1111/5899
+36 1 463 1348
Contact person by email
