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Subjects taught by the Department

Subject code Subject name data sheet Frissítési dátum Szerkesztősort descending
BMEVESTA508 Unit Processes of Organic Chemistry 2020 Aug 28 - 11:51 Dr. Bálint Erika
BMEVESZM207 Unit Processes of Organic Chemistry 2020 Aug 28 - 11:55 Dr. Bálint Erika
BMEVESZA777 Industrial Planning Practice 2020 Aug 28 - 11:44 Dr. Bálint Erika
BMEVESZM204 Unit Processes of Organic Chemistry 2020 Aug 28 - 11:53 Dr. Bálint Erika
BMEVESZM402 Quality assurance in the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Csontos István
BMEVESTAKM1 Safety in the Chemical Industry 2021 Dec 20 - 16:46 Dr. Csontos István
BMEVESZA101 Industrial Safety 2023 Oct 2 - 17:13 Dr. Csontos István
BMEVESZA412 Organic Chemical Technology Laboratory Practice 2017 Nov 14 - 18:51 Dr. Csontos István
BMEVESTA606 Unit processes in Industrial Drug Synthesis 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Faigl Ferenc
BMEVESZM701 Polar Organometallics in Synthesis 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Faigl Ferenc
BMEVESZA001 Psychoactive Compounds and Drugs 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Faigl Ferenc
BMEVESZA403 Medicines 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Faigl Ferenc
BMEVESZM201 Organic Chemical Technology II 2023 Aug 31 - 13:30 Dr. Hegedűs László
BMEVESTA411 Organic Chemical Technology 2023 Oct 14 - 10:48 Dr. Hegedűs László
BMEVESZM707 Pharmacokinetics 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Hell Zoltán Károly
BMEVESTA704 Pharmaceutical Technology 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Hell Zoltán Károly
BMEVESTA705 Unit processes in Industrial Drug Synthesis Laboratory Practice 2023 Mar 10 - 10:45 Dr. Hell Zoltán Károly
BMEVESZM100 Project work I 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Hell Zoltán Károly
BMEVESZM200 Project Work II 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Hell Zoltán Károly
BMEVESZA888 Industrial Practice (internship) 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Hell Zoltán Károly
BMEVESZM150 Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Hell Zoltán Károly
BMEVESZA901 Optimization Parameters of Drug-like Compounds 2018 May 31 - 14:36 Dr. Hell Zoltán Károly
BMEVESZM250 Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Hell Zoltán Károly
BMEVESTAKM2 Technologies in the chemical industry 2022 Feb 3 - 15:18 Dr. Keglevich György Tibor
BMEVESZM206 Technologies in the chemical industry 2022 Feb 3 - 15:12 Dr. Keglevich György Tibor
BMEVESTA607 Technology of Pharmaceutical Materials 2023 Sep 27 - 16:29 Dr. Marosi György János
BMEVESZM708 Chemistry and Technology of Biomaterials 2023 Sep 27 - 16:35 Dr. Marosi György János
BMEVESZM709 Studies of Pharmaceutical Materials 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Marosi György János
BMEVESZM401 Protecting industrial laws 2015 Sep 13 - 00:05 Dr. Mátravölgyi Béla
BMEVESZM503 Organic Chemical Technology 2018 Jul 3 - 13:56 Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa